Have you ever been to an organized dance competition? What fun! Whether you compete or are the proud owner of a spectator pass, there is plenty to keep you entertained at a dance competition. First of all, if you’ve never been to one, you should know what to expect.

Competition 101
Competitions are usually located in a hotel with some ballrooms designated for competition, practice and workshops. Many attendees of dance competition will stay at the hotel to enjoy a weekend “vacation” of sheer dancing enjoyment. Generally, there are a multitude of vendors from the dance industry providing dance shoes, dance clothing, dance jewelry, costumes, food and more. You might even find a chiropractor or massage therapist at some competitions, to soothe a dancing body.

The main ballroom where the big competition resides, is a great place to spend the day being inspired. You can watch people of all different levels at their finest! Fancy costumes, smiling faces, flashy dance moves and great music tantalize any dancer’s tastebuds, leaving you thirsting for more. And what better, in between division changes, the dance floor is open for you to try out some of those great moves you just saw. You might be surprised at how your dancing ability level rises as you are surrounded by other great dancers.

Do You Want To Compete?
If you are interested in dancing in competitions, there are several levels and age groups for you to compete in so that you never feel as though it is impossible. There are beginning competitions for “first timers” where you can try on a competition for size, without a lot of cost, expensive costumes or severe commitment. There are couples divisions and Pro-Am divisions for those of you without a dedicated dance parther. Pro-Am is where you can dance with your instructor, and compete against others in your division dancing with their instructors. Divisions go up both by level and age group for both couples and Pro-Am divisions. Jack and Jill competitions are a fun way to enter a competition for the never-ever dancer. You simply sign up and you won’t know who your partner is until the competition begins. You might do well, you might not, but Jack and Jill competitions are strictly for fun, so ham it up! Ask your dance instructor about the requirements for your division or more information about how you can get started in a competition.

One to several other ballrooms at a competition are designated for workshops. Here, you can check the schedule and see what might interest you in the dance styles you prefer. They have several different types of workshops from specific dances and levels to simple body movements, styling techniques and more. Workshops are a great place to mingle with fellow dancers as well as pick up some great dance moves. Whether you have a partner or not, check out a workshop. Most workshops tend to rotate dance partners to help improve your dancing, and who knows? You might even meet more great people to dance with later!

The Professional Competition
The highlight of most any dance competition is the professional dance competition. Because everyone wants to see the professionals dance, a competition coordinator will generally plan this competition around a dinner, making it a dinner show. This is generally the best part of a dance competition, where you can eat and enjoy dancing at it’s best. Professional competitions are the epitome of inspiration to any dancer, where a simple spotlight brings out the sparkles on a costume like stars in the sky. The men are dashing and gallant and the ladies define beauty and grace in motion. No where else will you see such an awe-inspiring display of dance in person as you will at the professional competition.

In closing, dance competitions are a great place for most anyone. There is fun to be had by people who just want to watch, people who want to get out there and dance, or take it to the next level and compete.

Read more about Upcoming Dance Competitions